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Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment provides high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to enroll in college level courses through local colleges while enrolled in a Carroll County Public High School.  Dually enrolled students may take college courses for which they have met the prerequisite requirements and for which they have received authorization by both a parent/guardian and a designated school official.   Approval for participation is dependent upon the student’s GPA, service-learning hours, and attendance requirements.  Courses may be selected from either the general education component or the career completer courses of CCPS state-approved programs offered at the College.

Registration Process

  1. Apply to Carroll Community College.
  2. Watch the Dual First Advising Session:  Link to the video and attendance confirmation will be provided in your application confirmation email (Subject Line:  Congratulations! Welcome to Carroll Community College)
  3. Set up your My Carroll account: You will receive a set up email 1-2 days after applying. (Subject Line: Carroll Community College Student Email Activation)
  4. Complete the CCPS Dual Enrollment Request form with your High School Counselor.
  5. Click on the link and follow the Registration steps.  
  6. Attend New Student Orientation.


CCPS Dual Enrollment Information

Dual Enrollment Benefits

  • Earn high school and college credit while still in high school.
  • Challenge yourself.
  • Take advantage of diverse course offerings.
  • Start your college career locally with more support!